Half Moon

I awoke this afternoon to more temptation. I feel like if you have support people, they won’t surround you with your trigger foods. My mom, although I know she cares, is not what I would call the most helpful in this aspect of my life. I woke to a bag of Taco Bell filled with Caramel Apple Empanadas. Every time I confront her about bringing these home, she always says she got me one. I hate that because she knows its a trigger food! Nonetheless, my lunch, which started as a Red Berries Special K bar dipped in Be Well Nutella, ended up in half an empanada down and a heavy chest full of anxiety.

Barry called me at work last night and asked for a lunch date, today, and I gladly accepted since its was to a place I’ve been wanting to go to: Half Moon in Kennett. Barry offered to postpone the date since I had a rough time at work, but I refuse to let these disorders disrupt my life all the time!

WP_003218Half Moon Restaurant and Saloon is a small place in the town of Kennett, about 20 minutes from my house. Barry and I drove past it! Whats nifty about this place is that it specializes in wild game meats. Each day is a different special.

I lucked out when I called the restaurant to find out the specials for today. Kangaroo burgers and Buffalo chili! I’ve had buffalo in the past, but I was most excited about the Kangaroo! Barry has been trying to get me to eat burgers (I’ve really wanted one since I haven’t eaten one in over a year). Kangaroo is the leanest cut of beef Half Moon offers (93 calories, 0.5g fat per 100g). All of the burgers are 6 oz portions, of which Barry and I split. We opted to split the Kangaroo burger, substitute the house made kettle chips for a salad, and split a bowl of the buffalo chili…

When in Rome!

WP_003214We strolled up West State Street and entered and narrow saloon. Greeted by a perky hostess, we were asked if we would like to be seated upstairs in the atrium-like setting or in the main dinning saloon. Since it was a temperate day with a nice breeze, we walked up the stairs to be greeted by another friendly face, Emily, who seated us and attentively served us. She was very patient with us, as I was so indecisive after viewing all of the specials! After questioning the waitress, there was no doubt about it… Chili and Burger special!

First up was Barry’s beer. This place is no joke when it comes to their alcohol. Theres a whole book full if specialty and imported beers and the wines are broken down into white and red, and then by place of origin. Barry tried Hop Devil. I’m not a beer drinker, but this was rather bitter in my opinion. We awaited a delicious salad on spring mix, with cucumbers, shredded carrots, and baby heirloom tomatoes, and side of Greek Goddess dressing. I love that they used heirlooms, since they are in season!


My girlfriends told me how dry kangaroo meat was and suggested the elk. I’ve had elk and it reminds me a lot of roast beef. I had my heart set on the roo. They don’t cook the burger past medium rare, which is fine for us. I was surprised how moist the burger was, despite being so lean. It wasn’t sweet but it had a more mild flavor than a beef burger, and it was definitely a lot less dense. The burger is served on a kaiser-type bun with lettuce, tomato, purple onion, and a pickle spear. I ate mine topless, while Barry used my spare bun half for chili dipping.


The Buffalo Chili was topped topped with jack cheese, It was a hearty chili with lots of meat and beans. I could not imagine eating this whole bowl by myself! I would have been stuffed! The tomato base was a mildly sweet and nutty, with a faint heat.

We really enjoyed the atmosphere of the atrium setting. We sat at rustic tables, surrounded by fresh air and potted plants. After chatting with out waitress, we decided we will most definitely be back for the Gator Gumbo! Apparently, its got a nice kick to it!


We drove out of Kennett and into Hockessin to grab a bit of froyo from Berriyummi. Barry went to chocolate peanut butter heaven. I think it wound up being more like a hell for him in the long run. His chocolate and raspberry froyo was topped with cheesecake pieces, cookie dough, brownie bites, jimmies, peanut butter sauce, blueberries, hot fudge and loads of mashed peanut butter cups. By the end of it all, the peanut butter cups had formed rock sold balls of sweet and salty indulgence. From the little bite I took, I had my fill. I am honestly impressed by Barry’s sweet tooth! I had never seen so much reese in one bowl! I guess this was pretty fitting since its National Fudge Sundae Day.


Mine was the typical sugar free vanilla with mango, raspberries and sliced almonds, with smidge of cheesecake crust.

After the creamy froyo, I had a hankering for coffee. When Barry and I arrived home, I made a mug of decaf with sugar free chocolate DaVinci syrup. With my sweet tooth in full swing, I remembered my Philly Swirl Sweet Delites. These are perfect size creamsicle bars that are sugar free and only 14 calories a piece! Talk about guilt free desserts!

I am spending the rest of the  night bonding with mom over “A Good Day to Die Hard,” and should be hitting the hay soon.

Happy Almost Friday!

Lunch with My Guys

The nice thing about watermelon is… well…. everything! I made sure to buy plenty of watermelon for my graduation party. Three, in fact!

Since I had so much left over….


I tossed it into some shakes this morning. I have made shakes with watermelon before. One of my favorites to make with this fruit it with cantaloupe! Any who….WP_002853

2 scoops vanilla protein powder

1 cup or more of frozen and fresh watermelon

1/2 cup milk



Simple enough to make a refreshing, summery, thirst quenching shake! I whipped Frank and I up, each, a shke, and then called my dad to make him one on his way to work.

Its amazing that there is still so much house work to do, but after three days of kicking butt for this party, I’m still exhausted! I managed to be semi-productive for the remainder of the morning. ( I am working on a new recipe for you!)

Frank offered to treated for lunch, and I’m not one to turn down sushi! We headed to the Hibachi lunch buffet, where we met up with dad and Barry. I stared to feel a little bad for Barry… being cornered by both my dads…

I immediately hit the sushi bar! This was the first buffet I have been to in over a year. I remembered Skinnygirl’s mantra; “Taste everything, eat nothing.”

I grabbed a few pieces of my favorite rolls and then added veggies like green beans, broccoli, bok choy, mushrooms and eggplant. Only some shrimp made it on my plate.

Plate 1- A few bits of my favorites!


Round 2- a little more protein- I dissected the sushi and just ate the fish and cucumber. (That weird thing that looks like a slug is eggplant, by the way.)


Final stop- more veggies! I can’t feel guilty about veggies!


After lunch, Barry came back to the house to kill some time before work, which is actually around the corner. After he left, I was still full but began some body hating. I refused to let this take me over, and headed off to Zumba! It was a sweaty class and I loved it! And I came home feeling great!

As well left the buffet, I had to take this picture. It gave me quite the chuckle.


Being Average

Today was an early morning as I took the HESI exam. The HESI exam is a practice exam for the NCLEX and gives your rationales as to why the answer you chose was wrong. (Very beneficial.) I didn’t do terrible, I scored average, but average is not what I strive for. Therefore, I took notes on the areas I need to improve on and plan on spending some time each day reviewing practice problems.

“Being normal is vastly over-rated.”

I always remembered this quote from Disney’s Halloweentown. (I used to be obsessed with this movie.) I’ve always wanted to be that innovated, that girl that had her own fashion or started a trend. Instead, I apply it to the area of my life I know I can be anything but normal… my academics. I’ve always been an above average student. When I have a goal, such as passing my NCLEX with flying colors, I dedicate myself to it, give it my all.

Whether I’m running, studying, cooking… I am always striving for my best. When I lost weight, I wanted to be normal… the truth is, in some aspects of life, there is NO NORMAL. Body type is one of them. Did you know the average size of woman in the US is a size 12?

I guess, in some round about way, I’m saying, “What’s the point of being normal, when it feels so much better when you go beyond?”

After the HESI, we met for the graduate luncheon that the SNA (Student Nurse Association) put together in the gym. Mexican theme. They did a pretty decent job, too! I stayed away from the taco shells and nachos, and went for the pulled chicken, lettuce, pico de gallo, and refried beans (I don’t know why, but I love this stuff).


Following this, was a few peanut M&Ms and tiny sliver of a cake they provided for us.


I didn’t have much of an appetite for awhile, but I had plenty of time to kill before work. I headed to the ACME to mosey around and grabbed a pint of strawberries.

Dinner was a bit strange. I tried out a new bar today. I left it in the car, and the coating melted so it was bit messy to eat. But hey, I wont complain about using a spoon to eat of protein bar or about the melted peanut butter coating that I dipped my strawberries in. HAHA I know I’m a bit odd sometimes, but I make it work…


So the bar… I’ve had a few bars by Pure Protein, with mixed feelings overall. This bar surprised me though. The Peanut Marshmallow Eclipse bar was a chewy and filling bar covered with a peanut butter coating. It really hit the peanut butter sweet spot. The only downside to this bar is the complete lack of fiber, but the 19g of protein keeps you crazy satisfied. The low sugar count is also a nice touch.

Do you have any recommendations on what to use to study for the NCLEX?

Like Its My Job

One thing that drives me crazy about getting off work at 11pm is that I’m typically asleep at that time. By the time I get home, my belly is growling. Last night, I tapped into the Reduced Fat Cheez-Its like it was my job!

Ugh! I can’t win!

Since I went to sleep late, getting up early for clinical was not exactly easy. I hit that snooze alarm like it was my job! Today has been pretty good though! I started my new rotation and I love it! Its just like being at work, surround by all these little kiddos! I even got to suction a trach today!

Before I left for clinical, I popped an Apple Crumb VitaTop into the toaster oven, and topped it with some PB2.

I packed myself a roast beef and swiss sandwich with some baby carrots for work. The dijonaise really made the samwich! I started driving to school to use the gym, but just kept yawning. I decided against the gym today and I’d do a workout at home. WP_001218

When I got home I enjoyed some almond butter and apple. This is probably one of my favorite snacks!

Dinner was so simple! Left over soup. It was the Progresso High Fiber Chicken Tuscany. It was really filling!

I needed to pick up some staples for the kitchen, plus, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve been slacking on the crock pot recipes and the end of the month is right around the corner.

Warning: Crock Pot recipes will be taking over this blog!

Anyway, dad and I headed to the grocery store and it gave me a brain break from studying.

The workout never did happen, by the way… You know what did happen? Cereal snacking… like it was my job! Since I have practice for a show I’m in tomorrow, I won’t be home all day, which means my butt is working out!!!


Bye-Bye Bars

Happy Fat Tuesday! My exciting plans, while girlfriends are enjoying wine and chocolate? Writing a paper and studying my butt off with some exercising thrown in there.
I took control of the clinical manager position in clinical today and I think I did pretty well. The gears were definitely turning as I examined the pathophysiology of my patients. I welcomed lunch times, which was pretty tasty for being a canned soup: Progresso’s High Fiber Chicken Tuscany Soup with some hospital grade saltine crackers.


I started thinking this morning… What do I want to give up for Lent? For those of you who don’t know, Ash Wednesday starts the 40 days of Lent. Ideally, we, as Catholics, try to give something up during these days to better ourselves and to feel like, we, too, are sacrificing something.

Growing up, I always gave up things like chips or soda in an attempt to “be healthy.” But this year, I’m giving something up that is going to be a BIG challenge! I’m giving up the things I spend a ton of money on, and eat entirely too many of. Its one of the items that I binge the most on. Protein bars. I’m an addict. I get twitchy when I see one and impulsively buy it! I run to my car and scarf it down. I’m on the run all day long and by the time I get home an want to enjoy REAL food, I’ve already eaten my days calories in bars. These things truly are my weakness and I know this is going to be a challenge. I’m not giving up snack bars or fiber bars because they are so great for clinical mornings, but I know I need to do this. I need to prove to myself that I am in control of my life, my eating habits…

To say “see ya later” to the bars, I enjoyed 3 today: a Lemon Zest Luna bar, a Chocolate Peanut Butter Special K Protein bar, and a Fruit and Nut Delight KIND bar. Wow! This is going to be rough! I think the KIND bars are going to be the hardest to refrain from, especially the Peanut Butter & Strawberry (I review it here) and the Almond Cashew and Flax.

I forget my veggies for lunch today, so after clinical I stopped by Wawa and picked this up:  Veggies with Light Ranch Dip. I  added a handful of Dutch Cocoa Sumersault snacks for dessert (I love these things! Dutch Cocoa and Cinnamon are my favorite flavors.) WP_001142

What a great packaged snack! I was so surprised by how fresh and crisp the veggies were and the sugar snap peas were so sweat! My dad would have loved this!

Today, as sleepy as I was, I completed Day 3 of the Couch to 5K Challenge. My chest, but especially around my shoulders, were really sore today because of yesterday’s upper body weight training.

Dinner tonight was nothing spectacular. In fact, it was not that attractive, nor very impressive. I ate a Lean Cuisine: Fajita- style Chicken Spring Rolls. It definitely does not look anything like its picture.

It actually reminded me of the taquitos you buy from 7-Eleven when your drunk and have the munchies. I ate these with some chunky salsa to try to improve them a bit.

I plan on some hard core cramming tonight and tomorrow.

Wish me luck ( on both my exam and my Lenten Promise)!

Got to Admit its Getting Better

Happy “Monday”! I know its Tuesday, but like I said, I’m starting this week over!  Today started bright and early with clinical. My morning kick off began with a quick stretch and 20 minute workout to wake me up and get my blood pumping. I can’t really do more than that on clinical mornings or I’d have to wake up at 0330 and I’d probably be pooped by 1600. While I waited for the clinical day to start I snacked on a  Chocolate Chip Corazona oatmeal square, which I made last until lunch time. (I haven’t been able to find the Almond Brownie or the White Macadamia nut, so if you find them, holla at ya girl!)

 Wow! Its chocolately delicious!

Wow! Its chocolately delicious!

This company offers other products, such as tortilla chips and other oatmeal bars in a variety of flavors! This company prides itself on heart health, hence the name. Each serving is designed to help lower cholesterol using natural plant sterols. This oatmeal bar, for example, is equivalent to 36 bananas, or 61 tomatoes, or 30 apples, of “cholesterol-lowering power.”

Lunch was, what we call, a Tun-Egg sandwich.Its nothing fancy… just tuna and egg salad mixed together. A lot of people think this sounds weird, but I think its the best of both worlds. I ate these with some grapes I picked up at Wholefoods.

Oh, the lunch of a nursing student

Oh, the lunch of a nursing student

Tonight I went with my uncle to the UD girls basketball game! I love basketball! I’ve been playing since third grade, so whenever my schedule and wallet allows, I love to attend the girl’s games. We rock! We won! What’s funny is that I used to play against some of these girls growing up, playing basketball!

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Today was a really good day. I DID go over what I wanted to eat, but I did much better today than yesterday. That’s the important part- that I improve everyday. And when I fall, I get right back up! My patient, today, was so sweet and one of the most complicated patients I’ve ever cared for. I learned so much! He had so much going on, yet he had a wonderful attitude. Really inspiring! I have to say, though, one of the highlights of my day was dinner. So simple, yet so filling and delicious! I started by spraying a pan with some non stick spray and throwing on some cauliflower florets and baby carrots. I sprinkled garlic powder over top and gave them a toss. They baked at 400 F in the toaster oven for about 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, I threw a small chicken breast in a skillet, sprinkle with garlic powder and minced onion. I chopped it up once it was cooked through. I threw the warm roasted veggies and chopped chicken over a bowl of spinach. When I visited Meaghan in NY back in December, we picked up this homemade BBQ sauce this tempeh guru makes; so I drizzled 2 tsp of the BBQ sauce over top! I bet I’d really enjoy this with salmon, too!

And now, I’m sleepy. I completed another 20 minute workout before laying down. Another busy day tomorrow and then night shift…