Backstreets Back

Guess what I did last night… I went to the Backstreet Boys Concert!!! Oh, and guess who opened for them… Jesse McCartney! Yeah…. my childhood on crack! I was screaming like a little girl!

I parked my car at my girlfriend’s work in Philly and a bunch of us car pooled over to the Susquehanna Bank Center, where we ate and rank out faces off in the parking lot, pre concert. I may have been seriously stressed and mildly intoxicated to the point of chowing down on mass quantities of White Cheddar popcorn! It was a day of celebration and I haven’t drank like that in a long time. I called my dad to ease my mind about the calories.

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After heading into the concert and buying my girlfriend a beer we found our seats and sang and swayed the night away! Can I just say that a 20 oz Yuengling was 13 bucks! I could bought a case for that much! Damn concerts arenas jacking up prices.

But a spectacular night! I drank my favorite, cherry vodka and soda, ate a ton of popcorn and had a blast!

Some background: The Backstreet Boys were my very first concert when I was like 6! The “Easter Bunny” got me tickets one year, and my parents captured my excited in a home video, which, to this day, cracks me up every time I watch it. Jesse McCartney was my first big girl concert, as in, the first concert I went to without a parent. So both of these groups help a little place in my heart. I may have also been obsessed with both of these groups at one point in my life.


All the guys sounded the same! We were screaming the songs and having an all out “white girl, woo girl” night! I was smiling ear to ear!


Of course, being intoxicated comes with a loss of inhibition and cravings of late night munchies. I indulged and nothing sat well. I ended the night, exhausted and sick in bed. But I woke up feeling great.

Totally worth it!


WP_003569I began the morning with pizza and eggs. Sounds weird? Think about it… Pizza is the best hangover food and eggs have protein, plus restaurants actually have pizza omelets… Does sound so crazy anymore does it? I popped an Amy’s Cheese Pizza Toaster Pop in the toaster oven and threw some liquid eggs in the microwave. I sprinkled a little garlic powder on everything and went to town! Delicious!

After a glass of chocolate cereal milk, my tummy wasn’t feeling so hot, so I laid down after bringing Barry lunch to work. He, too, had a stomach ache, so I brought him Italian Peasant Soup. Its miracle soup!

I was greeted at work with this:


In an effort to avoid temptation, I asked if I could sit with the one to one on the unit. Around 630, it was time for alight dinner of miso soup, steamed broccoli slaw and saltines. What I did not foresee was how that damn pizza taunted me. I ate half a slice, which added about 120 calories to my meal. I wasn’t too upset.


Surprisingly, what gave me some anxiety was a packet of graham crackers and tablespoon of PB. What’s up with that? I make no sense. I opted to stay in my one to one for the rest of my shift, so snacking would not be an option.

The first half of my shift was very slow, and the second half was rather cold, despite drinking 3 cups of  hot decaf tea.

When 10pm hit, I hit a wall and was so ready for bed. I arrived home a little after 11pm and was hit with a second wind… of hunger. Damn it! I go through this every time I work evening shift, and I have, yet, to find a way to rid of this. I wound up snacking on Ritz crackers and pretzel sticks with some Honey Mustard sauce, but by the time I realized my fill and my fatigue began to creep back in, I had eaten 10 crackers and a serving of pretzels. That basically a whole meals worth of calories. I absolutely despise the 11pm snack attack! It only adds to my anxiety, I think tonight’s snack attack also had something to do with my anxiety and waiting for the results of yesterday’s exam. I yelling at myself and have a heavy chest since I realized how much I ate.

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