Good Feeling Friday

Today was an all around feel good day, right from the very start!

Sometimes the hardest part if working out or going for a run, is actually getting out of bed. It is most definitely November in Delaware and my body knew it. My alarm went off at 730 and it took almost 20 minutes to convince my body to get out of bed. It was so toasty and warm!

WP_004530I finally threw the covers off and ran to my robe. I suited up in pink and black, this morning, and layered up with leggings and tights, as well as gloves and a head band. I knew that preparing for the chill would keep me more motivated. The one negative? My running pants stayed up but the rights underneath kept sliding down… Ha!

At least I was warm. I used my iPod to complete about 2 miles of refrain running to grab some coffee. 2 miles for coffee, Sammy? That must be some good coffee! Oh it is! For the past 3 weeks, I have made it to Fresh Thymes on Friday mornings for their banana fosters coffee! While there, chatting with Jenn and Steph, the fab chicks that run the cute corner cafe, I gave dad a call and he met me for breakfast and coffee.

After browsing the menu, it was hard to decide what to get! Everything sounded amazing! We decided on “The Julian.” I may have been a bit sneaky in this selection. Dad didn’t bring in his glasses and couldn’t read the print and he asked me to read what was in the wrap. I may have just said “sausage” rather than “seitan sausage.” Whoops!

None the less, we ordered “The Julian,” and chatted up the ladies, while sipping on our coffees. The smell of our food cooking was fantastic, and I kept peaking over at the griddle to check out what was awaiting us! The wrap was huge! Thank goodness we split it! Served with a slice of apple and tabbouleh salad, we dug into our breakfast of seitan sausage, sauerkraut, apples, onion, spinach, and spices. Delicious!

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After dad raved about the wrap, I announced, “Ladies and gentleman, my father has eaten tofu and seitan in less than 24 hours!!!” which got some smiles and chuckles from the hungry breakfast folk.

I was stuffed for a long time after my half wrap! My day was kicked off with tons of good feelings! I was full and knew it! I had breakfast with my dad! Dad had eaten two healthy meals in less than 24 hours! I had accomplish 2 miles in November! I couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the day would bring!


Dad drove me home, after breakfast, and I immediately began to tidy up. Another thing to make me feel accomplished! I met up with Barry at the Farmers Market, where I picked up a bunch of goodies. After the radishes the other night at work I picked up a pack of radishes for snacking, which I pretty much finished off by the end of the night. I also picked up a bunch of orange and red bell peppers!  Throughout my shopping, I picked up a few things for Beauty! Yes, Rachel Ray, apparently, makes dog food, and, yes, that is doggie ice cream, both of which, Beauty loved! What a spoiled little pup!

WP_004535It was a day of smart snacking and tasty treats. Frank, for dinner, whipped up pasta and seafood sauce! How could I resist? I heated up a package of Tofu Shirataki noodles and topped it with the sauce! MMMM! I sliced up a bell pepper and used that to pick up the remained gravy at the bottom of the bowl!

The night is closing with some hot chocolate and ginger snaps- shocker!


Yesterday was a really special day for the Bundos!

All start from the beginning..

I headed off to night shift Thursday night. I totally forgot that it was Kristina’s baby shower! By frozen meal went into the freezer and I went to town on the veggie platter! Debs husband also made this salad that I fo to town on! I don’t know the proportins but its imitation crab, purple onions, sliced mushrooms, buyer, old bay, salt and pepper. It sounds so simple for such a yummy dish! I also treated myself to some funfetti cake.


When I got home from work, I had every intention of doing to mass. I figured this would be a great opportunity to get in a run. As I got two blocks away from home, the rain started. Its funny… Sometimes the rain makes me feel totally unmotivated. But other times, like yesterday it makes running fun! I ran to Church, and waited outside only to find out there was no mass this morning! On my rainy jog home, I stopped by the cemetery. By the time I got home, I was soaked. But I didn’t really care. I crawled into bed and was out till about 3pm.


Dad came over for dinner, Friday night, and watched this past Thursday’s episode of Glee. It doesn’t typically watch it, but what a great episode!! I started having flashbacks to Degrassi! I occasionally like to have pizza night, and I’ve reply been getting into Amy’s pizzas as well Kashi! Last night, we had Amy’s Spinach Pizza, to which I added onions and red bell pepper! Sprinkled with a bit or granulated garlic and crushed red pepper flakes… Mmmmmm!


We had an appointment for 630pm but she asked if we could come back later, as she was running behind. To kill some time, dad and I went to a social club we both belong to. I enjoyed a girlie drink of diet sierra must and citron vodka, while dad got his beer and cherry brandy.



While at the club, I received a phone call from my mom saying Beauty got out and she couldn’t find her! Needless to say, my heart dropped into my stomach! As I pulled into the neighborhood, I found the pup sniffing around some yards. Thank, God I found her so quickly! She got out in the middle of the night once and it took a food 2 hours to find her. With Beauty safe and sound, and my heart rate finally returning back to a normal speed, dad and I headed back out.

At 840, we arrived back at our appointment. We left with these:

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Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!

Music has always been a connection between my dad and I, through good times and bad, and I’m so glad we were able to get these treble clefs on our wrists together! I couldn’t believe he actually did it! I was shocked! I think I still am shocked!

I also left with this on my left ribs:


Buonanotte means “goodnight” in Italian; but it has many meanings to me. It was my grandmothers maiden name, the first word she ever taught me in Italian, and the words that my dad whispered to her when she passed away in 2008. This tattoo has been years in the making, and I’m honored to wear her name so close to my heart.

Nelly for a Day

Test day began with a bowl of oatmeal, as all test days do. Today was Very Berry by Better Oats (its a pretty sweet oatmeal, if you like sweet).



After some studying at home, I met the girls at Dunkin Donuts for some pre test cramming.

It seemed like a lot of the information in this exam was review from previous semesters. Those are always the ones to watch out for because you think yeah, I got this… and it almost gives you less drive to study.

After the exam, I drove 20 minutes in the opposite direction of my house to get fingerprinted for my nursing license! That has a nice ring to it: “nuring license.”

While on my way home, I swung by a few grocery stores down that way. I am firm believer that if you find a product you really like, its worth going to that store on occasion  For instance, the Giant on Rt. is the only grocery store around me that I can find VitaPizza or FiberOne bread and tortillas!

On my way home, my phone vibrated. I had been awaiting a call from dad to see how is doctors appointment went. When I stopped at a red light, I checked my phone to see I had a text message, a picture.


(Nelly for a day)




A few weeks ago, dad had a piece of tissue removed from his cheek to get a biopsy done. Today, the doc told him today, that it was pre-cancerous. The doc cut the lesion away. I’m really thankful that dad had this checked out early before it developed into something far worse. But this gives me the opportunity to get on my nursing pedestal and preach about the importance of protecting your skin.

Always use a sunblock. Trust me, you will still tan with a sunblock, if that is your concern. Also, pay attention to you skin. If one day you look at yourself and say, “was that always there?” you might want to check that out. Or if a mole looks a little different to you or if your skin has a pigment change, like a liver spot, you might want to check that out. I am not saying be paranoid about your skin, but be cautious and proactive.

To learn more about precancerous skin lesions and ways to protect your skin, click here.

(I got a B on my exam, by the way)  🙂

“Change in Mental Status” as we say in the RN world (Jan 10, 2013)

After my mental breakdown last night, I was determined to burn off some steam today. I walked/jogged 8 miles! I felt so energized and happy! I didn’t even bring my ipod! I sang to myself and admired the environment.

My dad came over for dinner tonight. I made healthy stir fried rice and Hungry-Girl’s sesame chicken. Yum! My dad and I took our 15 year old beagle, Beauty, for a walk also.

It amazes me how walking can completely change my mood!
You would think that all of that would tire me out, but I’m wide awake, ready for some strength training…

I set up a new playlist on YouTube… once I complete it I’ll post up my, what I like to call, my “PowerPlay” songs. These are the songs that get me pumped and have a solid beat to work out to.

Thanks for checking in and I’ll talk to you soon!

Good night!