Playing Catch Up

This rainy Tuesday morning (3/12) started out with a shake and hot tea. The Black and Muddy recipe calls for chocolate shake mix, coffee syrup, cappuccino mix, peanut butter, and chocolate pudding mix. I dumbed it down this morning:WP_001516

1 Cafe Latte Muscle Milk Light
2 Tbsp ChocolatePB2
1/2 Tbsp sugar free Chocolate pudding mix

I must say, it was very similar to the original and I got my chocolate fix early in the day.
Speaking of chocolate and peanut butter, I also got a fix with a 90 calorie chewy Fiber One bar! Mmmm! Chocolate and Peanut Butter… Is there any better combination?


I wasn’t quite in the mood for a workout, but not working out all weekend was really starting to  get to my head. I figured this would be  good way to clear my head and prepare for endless studying! However, I feeling rather uninspired. Thank goodness for Courtney, who asked if I wanted to do today’s circuit. I asked if I could share it with you and without further ado…

Courtney’s Total Body Circuit: complete 1 minute of each, following the laps

4 laps around the gym (basketball court)run backwards

plank extensions

heel to the heavens, with exercise ball

360 degree shoulder raise

2 laps runningjumping jacksbicep curls with isometric hold, alternating sides

elbow to high knees

chest flies

 ↓  ↓
3 laps runningside shufflesquat press

mountain climbers

standing incline chest press

fast feet

1 lap running

1 lap walking


I’ll tell ya, out of everything in this, I felt the Heels to the Heavens burn the most! Intense! (Definitely use an exercise ball to feel this one!) By the end of this workout, I could could feel the sweat dripping down my nose! It was just what I needed today: something quick and something to burn!

After a much needed shower, I hit the caf to enjoy my dinner, a salad and post workout orange. The tempeh really stole the show on this one! Wowzah! It added so much flavor and texture to the salad!

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After a few hours of learning about traumatic brain injuries, I headed to practice. To hold me over I tried a new yogurt: Fage flip Orange Cinnamon. When I saw it, two things popped in my head a) must add flax, and b) I hope it doesn’t taste like potpourri. I know thats a weird thing to think, but its the first thing to pop in my head.. hello.. orange… cinnamon… fall… potpourri…

Anyway, I rather enjoyed it.

So I’ve been referring to “practice” for the past few weeks now, and I suppose that since this week is the big event, I should come clean…

I am in the Vagina Monologues! I saw them last year and felt so empowered, so invigorated . I needed to be part of this. Today was a dress rehearsal and I can not believe how fantastic it has come together!

PS. My eating was fan-freaking-tastic today! Not too much, not too little! Things are definitely turning around! Yay!


Over the next few days, nothing but studying was endured. In fact, I could not make it to dress rehearsal for the Monologues and they almost cut my out of the show! I know, crazy, right.


Test Day breakfast: Peaches and Cream Oatmeal with flax and a cup of tea

Sometimes in life, you need to make a judgement call. I stand by mine. As much as I love the show, my education comes first! Luckily, God blessed me with both! I passed my exam, and last night was opening night of the Monologues! It was a brutal exam and an excellent show! For the next few nights, I will be in the show! All the money we raise goes to Project Life Line, and organization aiding rape victims and those victim of sexual abuse or assault. It covers a wide variety of problems, and its an amazing feeling to know that I am helping bring awareness to such issues.

during intermission of opening night

during intermission of opening night

Have you ever had to make a judgement call? What was it? Did if have the desired outcome? 


What kind of events have you participated in that support projects you are passionate about?

After the show, I went straight to work… talk about dedication! Just kidding! Yay for 7-Eleven and the endless supply of coffee and mixed fruits!


Since I ate “dinner” Friday morning, it was meat free. I love Amy’s meals for a meat free option! This morning I ate Amy’s Mexican Tamale Bowl. I WP_001545always add a decent amount chili powder and hot sauce to spice it up! I split a veggie omelette with a friend at work and made it like a huevos ranchero with the tamale pie! Genius!

As I came home from work this morning, I could not decided whether to hit the sack or indulge my growling belly. Belly it was and I dug into a big bowl or assorted cereals (Cheerios, Kix and the like) and a fruit salad!


I have to say though, one of my favorite things I ate this week was called a Crazy Apple. They are apples that have been flavored. I tried out the Pomegranate Grape and couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t an overwhelming overly sweet grape flavor like I was afraid of. I can’t wait to try the Tropical flavor!


I’m In Love

Its official. I’m in love… with a little boy I’ve been caring for at my clinical site. Some of the children at this site are up for adoption. I would take him home in a heartbeat! In fact, the nurse said that he could totally pass for my son, and when his family came to visit, I said “come on, lets go see your mommy!” He ran to me! Ugh! Every time  his family held him, he cried and reached for me! Hes melting my heart.

If only…..  ❤

Since today is a long day, I wanted to start my day with some caffeination. A started another chilly morning with a shake. When I use this liquid, I don’t like the icey consistency  that it makes, so I add guar gum to smooth it out:

1 Cafe Latte Muscle Milk LightWP_001402

1/2 half frozen banana

1/8 tsp guar gum

This kept me going for the morning, as did a cup of hot green tea. Lunch was welcomed this afternoon: A salad, carrots, onions, green peppers, topped with chicken, sunflower seeds and sugar free honey mustard dressing! I love this line by Maple Grove Farms! Their sugar free balsamic vinaigrette is to die for!


After clinical post conference, I hit the gym and completed a workout. I drew this up during some free time in clinical.WP_001404

It began and ended with 5 minutes on the elliptical, riding backwards. A 20 minute interval treadmill workout was samwiched in between two strength circuits. The progression of events look something like this:

Elliptical– 5min- 11 resistance (backwards)


Sitting Crunch 53 lbs 60 reps
Chest Press 25 lbs 60 reps
Leg Adductor 50 lbs 60 reps
Double Crunches   25 crunches
Bicycle Crunches   25 crunches
Tricep Extensions 30 lbs 60 reps

(I could really feel the burn in my arms and legs!)


























(I love the incline! Just like last time, as soon as I hit the 6 minute mark, sweat started pouring down!)

Repeat Strength

Elliptical– 5min- 11 resistance (backwards)

On my way to rehearsal, I tried a new Fage 0%: Apple Cinnamon Raisin. Of course, flax accompanied this to play off the autumn tone of the yogurt fruits.


My eating was fantaabulous today! I was so proud of myself! Until the munch set it. I didn’t have anything else to eat so I stopped by Rite Aid. My favorite candy was on sale for 88 cents! Its normally almost 4 dollars!

That was my mistake. I went to town on some sugar free Russell Stover’s candy and finished off a bag of Teddy Grahams. Grrrrrrrr!!!!

Other than this binge, today was great! I’m really starting to feel like the nurse I want to be!