Chocolate Angel

mass prodYes. I’ll admit it. I’m most definitely one of those Valentine’s Day cynics that think it was solely invented for the chocolate and greeting card companies. Actually, I feel about Valentine’s Day the way I feel about Christmas: once a day to be remembered, now corrupted and scewed by humans and selfishness. It’s technically the Feast Day of St. Valentine. Today, its a day that we tell everyone we love them, give candy, flowers, and cards, and overexert ourselves to impress someone else. Today is the day we persecute ourselves if we don’t have a date. But why just today? Shouldn’t we be telling those dear to us how much we love them everyday? Are we really any better or worse, with or without a date? Why just today? Shouldn’t we be performing random acts a kindness everyday, rather than picking one day a year to blow too much money on a dozen roses and a box of gourmet chocolates, that will die in a week and we know we will regret eating, anyway?

choc penis

With this lovey-dovey, Hallmark/Russel Stovers-centered week, coming to a close, I did begin to think about what I’d like to find in a partner. I guess you could call it my ideas:

I think a lot about the future. I know I’m 23. I’m young. I’m still a baby in this world, but my hopes and dreams are that far beyond my age. I want something real. A family man. An honest, hard worker. An animal and music lover, who appreciates black and white pictures and musicals. Who knows who Abbott and Costello, Bing Crosby and Bob Hope, and the Rat Pack are. Someone who can dig The Twilight Zone. Someone who lets me cook for them. Someone who supports me, understands me, comforts me, and loves me despite how incredibly screwed up I am. Show me. Show me something real. That we are a team. That we can do anything, achieve anything. Be the people we want to be. Be successful, pay our bills, smile, laugh, cry, dance, sing, never go to be angry, go to Church, visit our families, and so, so much more…

Moving on and stepping off this soapbox, lets get to the goods… every channel I turn on is doing a million specials on chocolate. (Apparently, Valentine’s Day is the only day people consume chocolate.) So, in this chocolate theme, I give you a low calorie chocolate angel food cake and mixed berry compote. Sweet enough to get at those cravings but light enough to eat your feelings on V-Day and not feel guilty.

Chocolate Angel Food Cake with Mixed Berry Compote

based off Trisha Yearwood’s recipe.

serves 12


  • 2/3 cup cake flour (measure after sifting)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated Splenda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 12 egg whites (room temperature)
  • 1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 Tbsp powdered sugar


  • 2 1/2 cups frozen mixed berries
  • 1 1/2 to 2 Tbsp granulated Splenda (how sweet do you want it?)
  • 1 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup water

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Sift the cake flour, cocoa powder, and 3/4 cup of Splenda. Set aside.

WP_007683Using an electric mixer, with the whisk, beat the egg whites with the salt until foamy. Sprinkle the cream of tartar over the egg whites and whip on high until soft peaks form. Add the vanilla extract. Gradually beat in the remaining 3/4 cup Splenda, about 2 tablespoons at a time.

Using a spatula, gradually fold in the flour mix, about 1/4 cup at a time, into the peaked egg whites. Pour the batter into an ungreased 9-inch angel food cake pan and bake about 30 minutes. Let cool for 1 hour. While the cake os cooling, combine all compote ingredients in a small pot and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer, continually stirring, for 2-3 minutes. This makes about 1 1/4 cup of compote. Set aside to thicken and cool.

Once cooled, loosen the cake from the sides and center of the pan with a knife and remove cake from the pan. Sift the powdered sugar over the cooled cake. Slice into 12. Top each piece with 2 Tbsp of compote and dig into a light, yet decadent treat sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.


The pairing of a slice and the compote comes to about 75 calories! I can dig that. In fact, I think I’ll dig in!

I’m In Love

Its official. I’m in love… with a little boy I’ve been caring for at my clinical site. Some of the children at this site are up for adoption. I would take him home in a heartbeat! In fact, the nurse said that he could totally pass for my son, and when his family came to visit, I said “come on, lets go see your mommy!” He ran to me! Ugh! Every time  his family held him, he cried and reached for me! Hes melting my heart.

If only…..  ❤

Since today is a long day, I wanted to start my day with some caffeination. A started another chilly morning with a shake. When I use this liquid, I don’t like the icey consistency  that it makes, so I add guar gum to smooth it out:

1 Cafe Latte Muscle Milk LightWP_001402

1/2 half frozen banana

1/8 tsp guar gum

This kept me going for the morning, as did a cup of hot green tea. Lunch was welcomed this afternoon: A salad, carrots, onions, green peppers, topped with chicken, sunflower seeds and sugar free honey mustard dressing! I love this line by Maple Grove Farms! Their sugar free balsamic vinaigrette is to die for!


After clinical post conference, I hit the gym and completed a workout. I drew this up during some free time in clinical.WP_001404

It began and ended with 5 minutes on the elliptical, riding backwards. A 20 minute interval treadmill workout was samwiched in between two strength circuits. The progression of events look something like this:

Elliptical– 5min- 11 resistance (backwards)


Sitting Crunch 53 lbs 60 reps
Chest Press 25 lbs 60 reps
Leg Adductor 50 lbs 60 reps
Double Crunches   25 crunches
Bicycle Crunches   25 crunches
Tricep Extensions 30 lbs 60 reps

(I could really feel the burn in my arms and legs!)


























(I love the incline! Just like last time, as soon as I hit the 6 minute mark, sweat started pouring down!)

Repeat Strength

Elliptical– 5min- 11 resistance (backwards)

On my way to rehearsal, I tried a new Fage 0%: Apple Cinnamon Raisin. Of course, flax accompanied this to play off the autumn tone of the yogurt fruits.


My eating was fantaabulous today! I was so proud of myself! Until the munch set it. I didn’t have anything else to eat so I stopped by Rite Aid. My favorite candy was on sale for 88 cents! Its normally almost 4 dollars!

That was my mistake. I went to town on some sugar free Russell Stover’s candy and finished off a bag of Teddy Grahams. Grrrrrrrr!!!!

Other than this binge, today was great! I’m really starting to feel like the nurse I want to be!