Some Things Have to Be Made More Than Once

Some things NEED to be made over and over again… and tonight’s dinner is one of this things. I love roasting veggies and tossing them over some greens! Tonight was cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli roasted with garlic powder and basil over spinach. I wound up throwing in some purple onion, left over chicken, and fat free Thousand Island dressing to top it off! I Never get tired of this meal!


This morning, I rolled out of bed at the time I normally am leaving the house.. Yeah…. someone was sleepy!

Not having any time for anything, I snagged a banana and ran out the door. Today, I started my new rotation on a respiratory unit, where majority of the patients are trached and vented. My instructor is great! She said, “I have five more days with you until you are out on your own.” It hit me. I AM GOING TO BE A NURSE! She is giving us so much independence and it makes me feel so competent and confident in my skills! What an amazing feeling!

WP_001585With my lack of breakfast, I’m glad the inner girl-scout in me is always prepared. I keep an Atkins shake in my car, which was perfect to hold me over while I ran a few errand after leaving the hospital. But when I got home, I got right down to business on tossing some discount produce in the oven! I was a beast today! With my bargain shopper-ness I saved like 40 bucks on my groceries! Woo Hoo!WP_001586

I’m in a bit of a funk today, maybe from the lack of sleep, so I’m retiring early tonight, and catching up on some lectures…